Zoeken in deze blog


woensdag 30 april 2014

Reign of Fire

The Nest

Cool Birds

The Road Less Traveled

Yogurt Pops

Mara Jade


Bayi Imut

One to watch!!



Persian Gold Eagle

Hes so Fluffy!!

dinsdag 29 april 2014

Loài Chim

Wolfgang Harms

Suzanne van Pelt

Hurloon Minotaur

"I due corridori" (The Two Runners)

From the Villa of the Papyri in Herculaneum survived the pyroclastic surge in 79 AD without a scratch and still have the most expressive eyes … they alone are worth a visit to the Naples Museum of Archeology.



Mixed Berry Granola Smoothie


Fairy Pitta - Chinese Pitta

Candy & Peanut Butter M&M’s

zondag 27 april 2014

Baby Chameleon

Chris Slabber

Pink Tulips

Armeria Maritima

An Incredible Photo of Dracula’s Armor from Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Tree Frog

Cherry Dollface

Vanessa Wolfsbane


Yulia Gorbachenko

Fight & Flight

Lon Chaney, Jr. as The Mummy by R.L. Allen, 1969

Snow Pigeon

Deer God

Watkins Glen State Park

Full Moon On The Lake

Drive Angry

                        Film die we gezien hebben vanavond.
                                    Movie we saw tonight.


Wanneer de dochter van Milton (Nicolas Cage) vermoord wordt wil hij maar één ding; wraak. Hij krijgt drie dagen de tijd om de moordenaars te vinden, omdat deze ook nog eens zijn kleindochter ontvoerd hebben en ze van plan zijn om haar onder een volle maan te offeren. Hij wordt tijdens zijn wraakmissie vergezeld door Piper (Amber Heard), een jonge en sexy serveerster. In Pipers 'turbo-charged Black '69 Charger' beginnen ze een race tegen de klok...

John Milton is up against the clock: Jonah King, the leader of a Satanic cult, has murdered Milton's daughter and kidnapped her baby. In three days, King and his followers will sacrifice the child at midnight. Milton picks up the trail in Oklahoma as well as rescuing a waitress named Piper from her brutal, two-timing fiancé. There are odd things about Milton: his driver's license is out of date, he has a very strange gun, and he's being pursued by a man in a suit who carries FBI ID and calls himself the Accountant. Piper, who's lived a life on the sidelines, has to piece things together on the fly as they close in on King.